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Pan Am Airlines "New Horizons: Hawaii"

Pan Am (Pan American Airlines) promotional documentary film series New Horizons, produced during the late 1960s or early 1970s, advertised the various destinations serviced by the U.S. commercial airlines. In New Horizons: Hawaii, Pan Am highlights the numerous attractions found in the United States’ newest state. The film begins with scenes from a traditional village near Honolulu where locals hula dance (00:41) and make wooden carvings (01:03). Elderly members of the community, who are highly respected, help out by making leis (01:16) and weaving hats (01:25). Visitors can tour the countryside as the locals do in dugout canoes (01:45). Hawaii blends traditional living with modern, urban development, which is featured on the streets of Honolulu (02:11) and at Ala Moana (02:40), one of the biggest shopping arcades in the world. Observing marine life up close at the Sea Life Park (03:03) on Oahu is just one of the highlights awaiting visitors: see dolphins training (03:40) and whales performing tricks (04:20). At the Hotel Ilinai, take in the beautiful view of the harbor (04:34). It is just one of many scenic views; others include the beaches of Waikiki and Maui, with their pristine waters that are perfect for all kinds of water activities. The film discusses how the islands of Hawaii were formed, then shows the arrival of a Pan Am jet landing at Honolulu International Airport (07:00). Hawaiians welcome the travelers with leis (07:33) and, later, entertain them with traditional hula dancing (08:03) and a Luau featuring an incredible spread of food.
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