What's currently on your music listening list? Old, new? Something unexpected?
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This amazing image is titled "Dusty's Gig" by Robert Jimenez.
A print of the digital painting DUSTY'S GIG. The original painting has sold. Available as: Mini Print. (Free Shipping In The U.S.) 5x7 inches. Lustre Paper Print (Free Shipping In The U.S.) 11x14 inches, open edition, signed. Fine Art Paper Print. 12x16 inches. Limited to 150. Signed, includes a Certificate Of Authentizerostreet.shop
That would be cool!!One year, I’m gonna dress up like Dusty for a Halloween gig.
That would be cool!!
Coooool! Is the material for the fez thicker than usual? The only fezes I saw before were the thin red kind.
Now that you point it out, yeah, I don't recall seeing many non-red ones. 🤔Coooool! Is the material for the fez thicker than usual? The only fezes I saw before were the thin red kind.
Yes, this is a Fez-o-Rama special with the logo turned around to get me closer to Dusty’s vibe.Coooool! Is the material for the fez thicker than usual? The only fezes I saw before were the thin red kind.
When you've got dates ready to announce feel free to post in the Events forum. 👍Getting ready for some fun shows in 2022 with Jill Martini & The Shrunken Heads.