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Kon-Tiki (1950)

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Kon-Tiki" was the name of a wooden raft used by six Norwegian-Swedish scientists, led by Thor Heyerdahl, to make a 101-day journey from South America to the Polynesian Islands. The purpose of the expedition was to prove Heyerdahl's theory that the Polynesian Islands were populated from the east---specifically Peru---rather than from the west (Asia) as had been the theory for hundreds of years. Heyerdahl made a study of the winds and tides in the Pacific, and by simulating conditions as closely as possible to those he theorized the Peruvians encountered, set out on the voyage. The whole film is black and white, shot on a single 16mm camera. It won the 1951 Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. The other version of this film on YouTube is not the original film. The narration was redone and the images were reworked. Gone was Heyerdahl's Norwegian accent. It is crap compared to this the original version that I recorded off WHYY-TV in 1990.
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